Helping you to build your ‘fantasy firm’

Imagine building an IP firm filled with your dream players. The team members you enjoy working with, the clients that are in your ideal sector and none of the people that drain your energy or time.  

This is an exercise we work with future attorneys on. Helping them to design their dream firm. With often decades of working in a certain way, this possibility of such freedom can be difficult to comprehend, so we use our business planning workbook process to help.  

If you’re in a position where you are imagining what your fantasy firm would look like, then here are some prompting questions to help: 

Which clients would you like to carry on working with? 

There are likely some individuals or companies that you love having as clients. Maybe they are in a sector you find really interesting or perhaps their work is something that is exactly aligned to your technical specialism. It might also be the individuals at that company that you enjoy working with. Your fantasy firm would be filled with clients just like this.  

Which companies would you love to have as a client in the future?  

Do you have brands or companies that you would love to work with? This might be driven by a personal interest or passion or maybe it’s because of the work they do and the innovations they develop. Who would you be excited to do work for if you built your fantasy firm?  

What type of people would you like to work alongside?  

It’s not just about clients but also the people you work with. Who are the teammates you would want to join you at this firm? What is it about them that means they would form part of your fantasy team?  

What type of people or roles would I like to not work with anymore?  

Who would you leave behind? The individual or roles that you wouldn’t want to include on your fantasy firm team sheet. Maybe it’s because supporting them takes you away from the work you enjoy too much or perhaps you are not sure of how they add value to the overall team. In your fantasy firm, none of these players need to be selected.   

Unlike the football version of this game, your fantasy firm can be achieved in real-life. If you want to find out how then take a look at our website here.  

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